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The world's best decluttering flowchart (I'm serious!)

I developed this flowchart to help me when I get stuck decluttering. You know those times when you can't see past all the arguements in your head (about why you should keep everything!!). Those times that you know you need to donate the clothes that no longer fit, but you're soooo sure you're gonna drop those kilos in time for the next holiday.

I've read heaps of decluttering books, articles and blog posts over the years and I just don't think there's a one size fits all solution. Some people are less sentimental and let things go without blinking while others really struggle to let go of most things. Some love fashion and have tonnes more clothes, so need more storage space. And then some days, we feel great and declutter like a demon and other days we feel off and can't make any decisions at all. And then there are the grey areas.....

So, I've added in a "Yes, but....." clause to this decluttering flowchart. Because sometimes we have things that aren't used and that we don't love, but can't let go of. For example, photos or love letters from your ex, items that belonged to a loved one that has died etc, and these things are part of our lives and perhaps should be kept for whatever reason. Perhaps they can remind us of life lessons hard won; or remind us how far we've come along the road of healing. Maybe one day you'll write your memoir and these will prompt your memories.

The first step is to ask yourself "do you, or will you, use it again"? And it leads you through to essentially four outcomes: donate, keep, throw or store.

So, while it's not rocket science, this (awesome ;-)) decluttering flowchart can certainly help you get your momentum up and going. I'd love to hear how you go!


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